
We guarantee between 60 and 200 real, prospects each day. Each of these prospects will receive one or several emails, depending on the campaign you chose to put in place, based on the offering you want to promote. If we don’t deliver you don’t pay… it’s free.
We communicate with prospects using email outreach and social media channels, while at the same time opening an Omnichannel interaction.
From our existing database of several million files, we can search based on your specific needs — companies with a certain size / revenue / geography. We can pull custom groups of contacts from social media (Twitter / Instagram) using criteria such as size of social media following, unique bio keywords.
We measure everything every step of the way to ensure you receive comprehensive analytical reports on everything we do.
Our offers are customized so you can find the right fit for you.
We act as your tech-driven prospecting team and an extension of your business development efforts through intelligent digital marketing so your sales team can spend a lot more time selling and closing deals instead of prospecting. We empower you to work on better deals that have a much higher closing potential.
You will not have to change anything to relative to your day to day business: we do it all for you.

Determining who to prospect
Identifying potential prospect persona.

Prospect personas are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal clients. They help you understand your prospective customers better and make it easier for you to tailor content to the specific needs, behaviours and concerns of different groups of potential prospects.

Prospect personas are based on market research as well as on insights which we will gather with you from your actual customer base. Depending on your business, you could have as few as one or two personas or as many as 5 to 10.

All prospects will be delivered to you in a usable format like Google sheet or Dropbox paper.

Creating Email campaigns
  • Given email's unmatched ability to drive conversions, it makes sense that email is also the most effective marketing channel to drive ROI for your company. Email marketing yields an average 3,800% return on investment for businesses and for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment is $38.
  • It’s clear from these statistics that email is a cost-effective channel, but why does it outperform other channels so significantly when it comes to ROI?
  • It comes down to delivering highly personalized and relevant messages. Email allows you to be hyper-targeted with your communications.
  • Using split testing will optimize the conversion rate. We can compare how slightly different industries react to the same message or how prospects within the same industry react to different messages/products/offers.
Plus, an email is:
  • Visual
  • Allows the prospect to consider your offer
  • Provides the prospect with adequate time to research your company and product
  • Easily forwarded to key stakeholders who might be a better fit to speak with
On our Platform you will be able to:
  • Segment your clients based on many criteria and therefore being able to send different groups of emails to different groups of prospects.
  • Send email series of different emails, scheduled for different dates or based on different criteria.
Developing the Message
The message can involve a mix of marketing variables like product, service, brand, price, incentives and distribution. For each of these factors the message articulates the specifics of the company's offering as follows:

  • Product and service-related messages inform target customers of the characteristics of the company’s products and services. 
  • Brand-related messages focus on the identity and the meaning of the company’s or offering’s brand.
  • Price-related messages communicate the offering’s price.
  • Incentives-related messages describe the incentives associated with the offering, such as temporary price reductions, volume discounts, rebates, coupons and premiums.
  • Distribution-related messages highlight the offering’s availability in distribution channels.
The decision about which aspect of the offering to promote depends on a variety of factors such as the offering’s competitive advantage, customers’ perceptions of the offering. The key principle when designing the message is that it should focus on the aspects of the offering that are likely to generate the greatest impact.
Your content
Quality content and design (photos, videos, landing pages, website, social media) are crucial for building trust and ensuring prospects conversion.

We track which prospects and when clicked on links in your emails, as well as monitoring the overall open rate.
Engaging subject line: The subject line has to pique the prospect’s interest.
Personal opening line:  It should begin by saying something about them. The goal is about finding the prospect’s pain points and determining a way to add value to their business or processes.
Creating a connection: They need to learn why you are reaching out to them and need to know why they should care about what you do.
Clear call-to-action: Suggest a concrete time to connect or ask a close-ended question to make it clear that the ball is in their court.
Email campaign analytics
  1. Open Rate. The percentage of email recipients who open a given email.
  2. Clickthrough Rate. The percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links contained in a given email.
  3. Conversion Rate. The percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link within an email and completed a desired action, such as filling out a lead generation form or  clicked on a linked within your message.
  4. Response rate. The percentage of positive responses from  emails delivered.
  5. Bounce Rate. The percentage of your total emails sent that could not be successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox.
  6. List Growth Rate. The rate at which your email list is growing.
Social Media
Why use our Omnichannel prospecting services?

Today there are approximately 3.5 billion active social media users in the world, making social media a real part of people's everyday lives. Social media has evolved into a powerful tool for brands to connect with buyers and engage in, sometimes instantaneous, two-way conversations. Social media marketing is considered a marketing channel that businesses use to connect with customers, prospects and partners.

The rise in social media usage means that participation is no longer optional. Social media offers you more than a way to reinforce your brand. It's also a viable method of driving people to a conversion or sale by bringing in new contacts or prospects into your database and nurturing them across all channels. Developing offers, promotions, contests and content that engages a prospects audience. Social media is not only great for branding or to create awareness for products or services, but it is also a very powerful tool to use when it comes to prospecting.

To be successful, your content needs to offer relevant, useful and valuable information. Your content can take many forms and look different depending on which platform you use to engage your audience. It can be infographics, photos, videos, fun visuals, slideshows, podcasts.

With our Omnichannel platform, you will be able to leverage social media marketing to build your brand, drive demand and engage your prospect.
How does it work?
As we deliver the email campaign, we will at the same time interact with the company and the person from that company you are trying to communicate with. The company, as well as that person, will receive different messages on different channels, therefore increasing chances of being heard.

Why should you use our Omnichannel communication features?

Simply, because it works.
This tracks the size of your audience on each channel over time to understand how many people are interested in your brand and what you have to say.
This tracks the interactions social media users have with your social media account, such as clicks, likes, shares and comments on your posts and time spent watching a video.
This is an important measure of brand awareness, as it measures the number of people who have seen your post. Essentially, it indicates how far your content has reached and how effective word-of-mouth is at amplifying your voice.

These metrics — followers, engagement and reach — are especially important for your organic posts, since your objectives with these posts are to build brand awareness, affinity and amplification.
This is the number of people your campaign brought into your database. This can help you measure how successful your social media campaigns are at acquiring new leads into your database.
This number will tell you how many of your website visitors were coming from your social media.